Joe Biden’s New Diversion: Vladimir Putin!

Randy Yaloz

23 mars, 2021

Joe Biden lacks coherence and is ill-advised on establishing his political priorities. On March 17th, Mr. Biden called Vladimir Putin “a killer” during George Stephanopoulos’ interview on ABC News.
Rather than focus on the Covid 19 outbreak, the migrant crisis on the Southern border and the major tax hike that he intends to slam many Americans with, Mr. Joe Biden prefers a direct clash with Russia.
Obviously, the Biden administration and the Democrats have excelled in avoiding and facing crucial national issues. The Putin scandal is just another example.
Americans will see through this facade. Joe Biden should demonstrate a more keen interest in China in view of his future meeting with the Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Republicans Overseas France will keep supporting an America First foreign policy that will bring jobs and pride back to America.

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