About Us
Started in the 1960s, Republicans Overseas a political organization for Americans living and working overseas. As a country chapter, Republicans Overseas France has three objectives:
Our GoalIs to keep Americans living overseas politically well-informed and provide a mechanism to direct their policy concerns back to senior political leaders and presidential candidates. As well as getting the vote out and organizing fun events for members. |
Our Purpose Is to inspire the nine million Americans living overseas to engage more fully in the U.S. democratic political process by providing briefings, policy research and advocacy to help the make the right choice when comes the time to vote. |
Our VisionIs to represent the unique concerns of Americans living in France, to elect federal candidates who will address those concerns, to effectively influence policy and to build a bridge between Americans and French people. |
Are you an American living in France?
Your vote matters!
Republicans had a huge and decisive victory in November: we control the White House, Congress and the majority of state governments.
Our success is due to the millions of conservative citizens who showed up and voted. Elections do indeed have consequences. Republicans now have an historic opportunity to advance the cause of lower taxes, less government and more economic freedom–including repealing the onerous FATCA law and switching from citizenship based taxation to territorial taxation.
But the Democrats, the left, and even some in the media will do everything they can to block this opportunity for real policy change. The left is already building a massive voter mobilization effort for the 2018 midterm elections. Your voice and your vote matter now more than ever before!
And even if you registered to vote in 2016, please note that overseas Americans must register to vote each and every year. So don’t take any chances—register to vote now.
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“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States
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Support Your Constitutional Rights
We need your support. Donate now to:
- Fund the lawsuit against FATCA.
- Lobby Congress to repeal FATCA and to pass territorial taxation.
Please help us to keep fighting for overseas Americans. Donate today!
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