President Trumps Campaign Annoucment
KM |
20 juin, 2019 |
One of the things that we get to do over here at Republicans Overseas France is respresent the Republican Party. As a partner of the Republican National Committee we have, over the years, been able to express in the french media what the Republican Party is all about.
As you can imagine, since President Trump has arrived, the french media has been extremely curious to learn more about this man and America under his leadership.
At ROF we have a wonderful media team that works hard to make sure that our voice is heard.
A fine example has been the last few days. We have been busy on multiple major TV and Radio stations discussing the the President's 2020 campaign announcement.
Here are a few links to some of our appearences:
Vanessa: 19/6/19
Esrin Leibowitch
13:11 - 13:21 or
As you can imagine, since President Trump has arrived, the french media has been extremely curious to learn more about this man and America under his leadership.
At ROF we have a wonderful media team that works hard to make sure that our voice is heard.
A fine example has been the last few days. We have been busy on multiple major TV and Radio stations discussing the the President's 2020 campaign announcement.
Here are a few links to some of our appearences:
Vanessa: 19/6/19
Esrin Leibowitch
13:11 - 13:21 or
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